Teripang or sea cucumbers is a high-value marine biological resource on the island of Bintan, and it plays an important role in preserving the balance of coastal ecosystems. Due to a lack of knowledge and limited technology, fishermen have not widely raised and utilized sea cucumbers. Kampong Teripang is here as the world’s FIRST Edu-ecotourism based on sea cucumbers, providing a recreational and educational experience through sea cucumber cultivation, processing, and conservation using marine biotechnology. We want to improve the creative economy’s growth, job opportunities, and human resource quality, as well as the local community’s economic growth, all while maintaining a focus on environmental sustainability.
Centuries ago, Admiral Cheng Ho and his forces searched for a treasure trove of dragon’s saliva that could keep youth young and a cure for various ailments that they couldn’t discover in any ocean. After travelling around the world, Admiral Cheng Ho finally found his treasure on an island in Indonesia named Pulau Bintan.
In Cheng Ho’s notebook, “General Records of the Ocean (Xing Cha Sheng Lan),” the shape of dragon saliva is described as being like lumps of fat. It has black and yellow stripes and has a fishy smell. The saliva of this dragon is now known as “sea cucumber”.
Sea cucumbers have been consumed by the Chinese since ancient times as a culinary item with numerous advantages, including the ability to rejuvenate skin and treat various diseases. Six centuries passed after Admiral Cheng Ho made his voyage. Sea cucumbers are now consumed in a variety of ways. Sea cucumbers have been successfully processed and extracted into active components such as collagen, which is the best collagen currently available.
More to explore
Presenting speciality menu from sea cucumber
Club KT is a forum to develop the Creativity, Interests & Talents of Bintan Island Youth with various Supporting Activities Facilities.
Experience the charm of beauty on sea on Bintan Island’s blue water
Kampong Teripang is edueco socio entrepreneurship in the enviromental field located on Bintan Island, Riau Islands.
We are a Golden Sea Cucumber Processing Factory that produces the Best collagen active ingredients in the world!
SeaCume and Sticol offers you the first Hydrolyzed Collagen-based beauty product in Indonesia.
Contact us
to collaborate
Jl Granat, Tlk. Bakau Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau 29151